Product and Policy Updates

Here you can find Broker Updates sent to mortgage brokers via email about the latest on Resimac products, policies, rates, resources and events. 

If you would like to see a wider range of news from Resimac, please see BrokerZone News.

  • August 2024

    Improved Prime Alt Doc product

    Learn more about the new Resimac Education Hub and ongoing winter promo for Resimac Prime Alt Doc.
    28 August 2024

    Reduced Prime Alt Doc rates

    Resimac is reducing rates on Prime Alt Doc for a limited time.
    14 August 2024
  • July 2024

    Prime Alt Doc reduced rates

    Resimac is reducing rates on Prime Alt Doc for a limited time.
    30 July 2024

    Reminder on Design and Distribution Obligations

    Mortgage brokers are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and significant dealings under the Corporations Act 2001.
    26 July 2024

    New Resimac SMSF product - pilot launch

    Effective 29 July 2024, we are launching a pilot of our new SMSF product.
    22 July 2024

    Prime Alt Doc max loan amount increase and 80-90% LVR rate reductions

    Introducing changes to our Prime Alt Doc product and removal of high density postcodes.
    16 July 2024

    Help your self-employed clients consolidate their tax debt

    The ATO is issuing notice of intent to disclose tax debt — assist your self-employed clients today.
    2 July 2024

    Updated Resimac servicing calculator

    We have updated our serviceability calculator (v6.4), effective 1 July 2024.
    1 July 2024
  • June 2024

    Upcoming fee changes to Resimac Prime products

    Settlement fees will apply on Prime by 1 July. New valuation fee collection process from CoreLogic.
    19 June 2024

    The value of self-employed borrowers

    Self-employed clients may not have standard financial documentation – our Alt Doc products can help.
    4 June 2024
  • May 2024

    The opportunity in non-prime lending with Resimac

    At Resimac, we specialise in assisting brokers to help non-conforming and near prime borrowers.
    21 May 2024

    Resimac products to grow your business

    We've recently enhanced our Resimac Prime Alt Doc & Specialist products to help grow your business.
    7 May 2024
  • April 2024

    Reminder on Design and Distribution Obligations

    Mortgage brokers are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and significant dealings under the Corporations Act 2001.
    26 April 2024

    We've removed clawbacks on all of our Specialist products

    There's never been a better time to work with non-conforming clients.
    23 April 2024

    NEW: Prime Alt Doc up to 90% LVR; mobile app for customers

    Prime Alt Doc will be more accessible; mobile app to offer better experience for customers.
    10 April 2024
  • March 2024

    3 lesser known ways specialist lending can help you with tricky clients

    Borrowers with 'bad credit' aren't the only clients that specialist lending can accommodate.
    27 March 2024

    4 reasons your self-employed clients belong with Resimac

    Opportunities to purchase property, refinance, consolidate debt & use equity for business purposes.
    12 March 2024

    Changes to Prime Alt Doc

    From 4 March, Prime Alt Doc rates will increase for interest-only and over 70% LVR.
    1 March 2024
  • February 2024

    Credit policy changes and updated serviceability calculator

    From 4 March, we won't require credit card and loan statements.
    27 February 2024

    Grow your business with our Near Prime and Specialist products

    We have competitive product solutions to cater for your customers.
    13 February 2024

    Resimac is moving to Comprehensive Credit Reporting

    From 12 Feb 2024, we'll start receiving CCR on all loan applications.
    8 February 2024
  • January 2024

    Submitting your loans in 2024 is easier than ever

    Improved SLAs, streamlined tools, fewer supporting docs.
    30 January 2024

    Reminder on Design and Distribution Obligations

    Mortgage brokers are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and significant dealings under the Corporations Act 2001.
    16 January 2024
  • December 2023

    Greater flexibility with recent product and policy changes

    Increased max loan amounts, multiple offsets, changes to LVRs for units.
    13 December 2023

    Interest rate update

    New investor rates will apply for all new Prime Flex, Prime Standard and Prime Alt Doc up to 80% LVR applications from 18 December 2023.
    5 December 2023
  • November 2023

    Revealed: the secrets to simpler loan submissions

    Mastering the digital tools integrated into ApplyOnline can streamline your loan applications.
    28 November 2023

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all new and existing home loans across all products by 25bps.
    15 November 2023
  • October 2023

    Extended! Reduced rates offer for investors

    Prime rates starting from 6.14%p.a. (6.44%p.a. comparison rate)
    31 October 2023

    Experience the benefits of streamlined applications

    eSign is here! This minimises paperwork and saves time.
    17 October 2023

    Reminder on Design and Distribution Obligations

    Mortgage brokers are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and significant dealings under the Corporations Act 2001.
    3 October 2023
  • September 2023

    New serviceability calculator and changes for Resimac customers

    We are introducing a new serviceability calculator (version 6.2). The main changes are: up-to-date HEM data and use of net rental income rather than gross rental income. For customers, we have changed some fees, advised of changes to CustomerZone terms and conditions, and will be emailing those with multiple loans about improvements to CustomerZone.
    18 September 2023
  • August 2023

    Our new low Prime rates are a hit! Here is why.

    Brokers have found early success with investors and the self-employed using our promotion.
    22 August 2023

    Reduced pricing for investors owner-occupiers and the self-employed

    We offer the same low rates to owner-occupiers, investors, P&I and I/O on our Prime Full Doc products up to 80% LVR. We've also reduced and standardised the pricing for Prime Alt Doc.
    15 August 2023

    Improved forms

    We've simplified three frequently used forms: Accountant's Verification, Declaration of Financial Status and Loan Introducer Alt Doc Checklist.
    8 August 2023
  • July 2023

    Refinancing with Resimac can help put clients in a better financial position

    Reduced serviceability assessment buffer and features like debt consolidation and unlimited cash out.
    26 July 2023

    Reminder on Design and Distribution Obligations

    Mortgage brokers are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and significant dealings under the Corporations Act 2001.
    5 July 2023
  • June 2023

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all new and existing home loans across all products by 35bps.
    16 June 2023
  • May 2023

    Credit and cash out changes

    We have made important changes to credit documentation and Prime Alt Doc cash out policy that will make applications easier.
    30 May 2023

    Grow your business with Resimac's latest initiatives

    Commission increases and reduced rates are some of the improvements to help you drive more business.
    17 May 2023

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for new business and all existing home loan customers.
    9 May 2023
  • April 2023

    Reduced rates, new calculator

    Resimac has dropped interest rates on Prime Alt Doc, Specialist Full Doc, and Specialist Alt Doc products.
    27 April 2023
  • March 2023

    Increased commission

    More upfront and trail commission for Prime Alt Doc and Specialist products.
    7 March 2023

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for new business and all existing home loan customers.
    13 March 2023

    New serviceability calculator

    Resimac has introduced a new serviceability calculator that brokers must use for applications from 16 March 2023.
    14 March 2023

    New ApplyOnline tools to help brokers receive a faster yes

    We're pleased to announce Resimac is streamlining the task of applying for home loans by adding two valuable tools to our ApplyOnline portal provided by NextGen.
    30 March 2023
  • February 2023

    Promos extended

    Promos extended: Get better pricing for your clients
    13 February 2023

    New Resimac LMI Premium Calculator

    Resimac has an updated Helia LMI Premium Calculator.
    15 February 2023

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all existing home loan customers.
    14 February 2023
  • January 2023

    Design and Distribution Obligations

    You are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and/or significant dealings within 10 business days of each occurrence.
    20 January 2023
  • December 2022

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all existing home loan customers.
    15 December 2022
  • November 2022

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all existing home loan customers.
    7 November 2022

    Launching CustomerZone

    Resimac will launch a new online loan management platform called CustomerZone. We hope these changes will benefit your Resimac-funded customers.
    8 November 2022
  • October 2022

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all existing home loan customers.
    6 October 2022

    Changes to commission reports

    Resimac will launch a new online loan management platform. One change aggregators will notice is a new look to the upfront and trail commission reports.
    20 October 2022
  • July 2019

    Resimac Prime:

     Changes to Serviceability
    29 July 2019

    Resimac MoniPower:

     Changes to maximum LVR
    11 July 2019

    Resimac MoniPower:

    Changes to Serviceability
    24 July 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

    Variable Rate Reductions
    8 July 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

    Co-borrower Policy
    22 July 2019

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

    Interest Rate Changes
    5 July 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

    Fixed Rate Reductions and $0 Annual Fee Offer Extended
    22 July 2019

    Resimac Accelerate:

    Variable Rate Reductions
    4 July 2019

    Resimac MoniPower:

    Variable Rate Reductions
    15 July 2019


    Genworth LMI Premium Calculators
    3 July 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

    New Serviceability Calculator and Postcode Location Guide
    15 July 2019
  • September 2022

    Interest rate update

    We will be increasing the variable interest rates for all existing home loan customers.
    19 September 2022

    Update on our Line of Credit options

    Our Line of Credit options on Resimac loans have been formally removed from sale effective Friday 16 September 2022.
    19 September 2022
  • August 2022

    Serviceability calculator and updated forms and policy

    New calculator, forms and policy to offer you and your clients an improved experience.
    25 August 2022
  • July 2022

    Design and Distribution obligations

    You are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and/or significant dealings within 10 business days of each occurrence.
    8 July 2022
  • May 2022

    Interest rate update - Prime Flex Investment Comparison Rate Correction

    Comparison rates for our Prime Flex Investment product were incorrect when published. The interest rates for our Owner Occupied product were correct. We have included an interest rate for Prime Investment Interest Only loans above 90%.
    20 May 2022
  • April 2022

    Design and Distribution Obligations

    You are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and/or significant dealings within 10 business days of each occurrence.
    4 April 2022
  • March 2022

    Assessment times update

    We’re experiencing a surge in demand for products, especially our Prime Alt Doc and Specialist products, which means SLAs are longer than usual.
    22 March 2022

    Design and Distribution obligations

    You are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and/or significant dealings within 10 business days of each occurrence.
    31 March 2022

    New LMI premium calculator available - download here

    Genworth, Resimac's Lender's Mortgage Insurance (LMI) partner, has issued a new LMI Premium Calculator.
    18 March 2022
  • February 2022

    Double check SLAs

    Double check our SLAs here – some external platforms aren’t accurate
    8 February 2022

    Automated Valuation Models

    Resimac will begin accepting Automated Valuation Models for eligible properties
    21 February 2022
  • January 2022

    Design and Distribution Obligations

    You are required to report all Resimac-related complaints and/or significant dealings within 10 business days of each occurrence.
    5 January 2022
  • November 2021

    Doc requirement changes

    Additional doc requirements eased in NSW and VIC and Alt Doc business bank statement changes
    18 November 2021

    Update to Assessment Interest Rate Policy

    Additional doc requirements eased in NSW and VIC; business bank statement changes for Alt Doc applicants
    23 November 2021
  • October 2021

    Prime & Prime Flex rates cut and max loan value increases

    Interest rates reduced by 15bps and Prime Alt Doc max loan values have increased.
    1 October 2021
  • September 2021

    Design and Distribution Obligations

    New requirements mean we have to prepare and distribute a Target Market Determination for each of our products.
    15 September 2021
  • March 2021

    Resimac Prime Alt Doc and Specialist

    Resimac Prime Alt Doc rate now 2.99% (comparison rate 3.03% p.a.) across all LVR
    12 March 2021
  • January 2021

    Resimac Prime

    Resimac Prime Standard from 2.59%p.a. (comparison rate 2.63%p.a.)
    19 January 2021

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    New Broker Product and Policy Guide
    14 January 2021
  • December 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Holiday period SLAs
    24 December 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Update to Credit Policy — Victorian Unit Securities
    17 December 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Product Change
    4 December 2020

    Resimac Prime Alt Doc

    Resimac Prime Alt Doc from 3.47%p.a. (comparison rate 3.51%p.a.)
    4 December 2020
  • November 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Serviceability Calculator Update
    12 November 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Product Changes
    4 November 2020
  • October 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Improved Application Form and Submission Process
    19 October 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    New discounted rates on Resimac Prime Flex!
    16 October 2020
  • September 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    New ApplyOnline 'Compliance' tab Responsible Lending Summary
    21 September 2020

    Assessment Update

    COVID-19 and Victorian based applicants
    15 September 2020

    Resimac Specialist Full Doc & Alt Doc

    Free valuation!
    15 September 2020

    Resimac Prime

    We've cut our rates!
    1 September 2020
  • August 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    Loan Submission Notes and COVID-19
    6 August 2020
  • July 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist

    New Document Requirements
    24 July 2020

    Resimac Prime

    Genworth LMI Premium Calculator
    16 July 2020
  • June 2020

    Resimac Prime Flex

    No annual fee for the first year — Offer extended!
    30 June 2020

    Resimac Prime

    Genworth LMI Premium Calculator
    29 June 2020

    Resimac Prime Flex:

    No annual fee for the first year - save $299
    11 June 2020
  • May 2020

    Resimac Prime:

    FASTRefi with digital docs
    29 May 2020
  • April 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

    Supporting Document Checklist and Loan Writer Accreditation Checklist
    22 April 2020
  • March 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

    Remote Identification and Application Form Digital Signature Acceptance
    31 March 2020 

    Resimac Business Continuity Plan

    24 March 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

     Hardship assistance and changes to application requirements
    27 March 2020

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

    Variable Interest Rate Changes
    4 March 2020
  • February 2020

    Resimac Prime:

    Save 0.07%pa on loans above $500,000 – offer ends 14 February 2020!
    7 February 2020
  • January 2020

    Resimac Prime:

    Save 0.07%pa on loans above $500,000 – offer extended!
    15 January 2020
  • December 2019

    Resimac Prime:

    Save 0.07%pa on loans above $500,000
    10 December 2019

    Resimac MoniPower and Resimac Accelerate:

    Product Discontinuation
    5 December 2019
  • November 2019

     Resimac MoniPower: 

    Residential Lending Credit Policy Changes
    25 November 2019

    Resimac Prime:

    Genworth LMI Premium Changes
    8 November 2019

     Resimac MoniPower: 

    Updated Serviceability Calculator

    15 November 2019

  • October 2019

     Resimac Prime and Specialist:

    Credit Policy Changes
    30 October 2019

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

     Variable interest rate decrease
    8 October 2019

     Resimac MoniPower:

    Credit Policy Changes
    28 October 2019

    Resimac Accelerate:

     Rate Promotion and Updated Serviceability Calculator

    3 October 2019

     Resimac MoniPower:

    Variable Rate Reductions

    11 October 2019

    Resimac MoniPower:

     Fixed Rate Reductions

    1 October 2019

  • September 2019

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

     Not all good things come to an end!
    23 September 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

     Discontinued for new business 
    6 September 2019

    Resimac MoniPower:

     Credit Policy Changes

    19 September 2019

  • August 2019

    Resimac Prime:

     Genworth LMI Premium Calculator

    22 August 2019

    Resimac Prime and Specialist:

     We're going even lower on rates and fees!
    12 August 2019

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

     Updated Australia Post ID Check Form
    16 August 2019 

    Resimac Ultra Plus:

     Changes to Serviceability

    2 August 2019

panel clost button

I'm a customer

If you're an active customer then login to Loan Enquiry to view your online account balance here.

Essential Website Maintenance
Please be aware that Loan Enquiry will be undergoing maintenance and it may not be available during
the following times:
8:00pm – 8:30pm (AEST) on Wednesday 21 April 2021

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

I'm a broker

Access our online loan submission system (RESIQ), loan scenario information, full product information and more.

Due to planned server maintenance, our Broker Login page will not be available on Sunday 27th February between 2:00am and 6:00am AEDT.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.